Wednesday, July 31, 2019

“A Flowering of faith: Christianity and Buddhism” Essay

There are many similarities in the teachings of Jesus and Buddha. Most are discussed specifically in their sermons. With Christianity the sermon was called â€Å"Sermon on the Mount†. Jesus went up a mountainside and spoke to his disciples and the crowds of people. It stated the right ways for us to approach God and to deal with other people. This was a collection of sayings, the Gospel of Matthew, stated by Jesus himself. This sermon, which is located in the New Testament, is the longest teaching from Jesus. With Buddhism, Gautama Buddha was known as their spiritual leader. He was said to have â€Å"attained Nirvana† or to have achieved a state where suffering is eliminated through the abandonment of desires. When stated the term, desires, meaning the cause of suffering. There were many ways to differentiate the two sermons, but their similarities were much more. When dealing with the religions, both had separate commandments to abide by. Buddha’s, â€Å"The Noble Eightfold Path†, gave the religion eight rights to remember. Two of the rights in example were â€Å"Right Speech, avoidance of untruth, slander and swearing†, and â€Å"Right Contemplation, of the truth†. In Christianity, â€Å"The Ten Commandments†, was a list of the different rights to acknowledge. In example â€Å"Thou shalt have no other gods before me† and â€Å"Thou shalt not steal†. In the Sermon of the mount, Jesus also stated what he considered the perfect prayer this was called â€Å"The Lord’s Prayer†. This was simply what you should quote if ever you prayed. In the Sermon at Benares, Buddha listed what was called â€Å"The Four Noble Truths†. These were known as the important principles in Buddhism. The four truths are best understood, not as beliefs, but as categories of experience. They more so discussed what we call cause and effect, i.e. the truth about stress is suffering. When dealing with their similarities the main thing they had in common was the enormous faith in them through their disciples. In conclusion, like Jesus, The Buddha set out to teach nothing but good to his people. They both spoke about helping the sick, wisdom, and faith. Their disciples acknowledged them for guidance in life. Although they were two completely different religions, as said before their similarities remained close.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

GFP protein

Green Florescent Protein, abbreviated as GFP, is a protein composed of 238 amino acids that is commonly found in mnemiopsis, comb Jelly. It has a major wavelength at 396 nm and a minor one at 475 nm. GFP is what gives mnemiopsis their bright green florescent glow. ultraviolet light, or blue light, is necessary to see the florescent glow of this protein. GFP is an irregular protein because It Is highly resistant to denaturation by temperature and PH. It can survive In temperatures up to 98 degrees and has a pH of 12. 2 due to Its complex exterior, called the beta barrel. At an pH higher than 12. It denatures. It also has an Isoelectric point at 5. 3. The peripheral beta barrel cannot be digested or broken apart by protease because of the strong bonds holding It together. The beta barrel protects the chromophore, which Is the substance which gives GFP Its green glow. When CFP Is extracted from the plasmid of an E. Coll or from a Jellyfish, It contains an array different contaminants ma king it difficult for scientist to do experiments with GFP. A procedure in purifying GFP from a crude cell extract to nearly 100% GFP so that it can be analyzed and used in scientific experiments and research is necessary.The goal is to ptimize each protocol used to purify crude GFP. Methods Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation To purify the crude samples of GFP, the ion exchange method separates substances inside the test tube by similar charge. A sample of crude GFP of 7. 5 mL in a plastic tube was used for the experiment. Knowing that 43. 6 grams of ammonium sulfate in a 100 mL solution yields a 70% percent saturated solution, the proportion 43. 6g 11 00 mL=x/7. 5 mL was used to determine that 3. 27 grams of ammonium sulfate needs to be added to the experimental sample. After adding the ammonium sulfate, the solution was stirred gently to prevent frothing.Once most of the solution is transferred, the tube was placed on a triple beam balance along with another tube that went through the same process. The centrifuge was set at 15,000 rpms for 15 minutes so that the hydrophobic materials will separate and become the supernatant while the GFP pellet will remain behind. Once the 15 minutes elapsed, a new pipette was used to remove the supernatant, leaving behind the pellet of GFP and hydrophilic contaminates. To remove the hydrophilic substances, 5 mL of 4 molar ammonium sulfate and 15 mL of 10 mL tris at a p of 8 was added Into the oak ridge entrifuge test tube.The solution Is then put Into the centrifuge at 15,000 rpm for 15 minutes again. Once 15 minutes has passed, the supernatant, containing the GFP, was removed by a pipette and put In a microfuge. Hydrophobic Interaction Hgure yaropnoDlc Interactlon set up One molar ammonium sulfate was added to the column to wash the sample. Adding 1 molar ammonium sulfate washes the sample because a high salt concentration increases hydrophobicity of the GFP and the buffer, causing most of the GFP to be at the very top of the column. Substances that are hydrophilic get flushed out of the olumn while the more hydrophobic substances stay in the container.After the column has been eluted with 1 molar ammonium sulfate, the tris buffer is added to the ammonium sulfate to dilute it into . 5 molar ammonium sulfate. The volume of 1 molar ammonium sulfate inside the oak ridge centrifuge test tube is the volume of the tris buffer that will be added. After the column chromatography has been flushed with . 5 molar ammonium sulfate, more hydrophobic substances will be flushed out since the hydrophobicity of the tris buffer and the GFP has decreased. This causes the GFP to spread out in the column. Finally the amount of . 5 molar ammonium sulfate is diluted with tris buffer to . 5 molar ammonium which should cause most of the GFP to be flushed out of the column along with other substances that are very hydrophobic. While this experiment is going on the liquid that comes out of the column is collected in multiple test tubes. These test tubes contain GFP and other contaminants. The solutions are than read by a spectrophotometer. Each test tube will be tested by the spectrophotometer so that a graph can be made. Anion Exchange Figure 2: Siphon Bridge set up for Anion Exchange Figure 3: Centricon Test Tube In order to use anion exchange, the starting condition of the sample needs to be in a low salt solution.However after the GFP had gone through hydrophobic interaction, it was in a high salt solution. Before facing this dilemma, the fractions were pooled by centricon which decreases the overall sample volume by removing some buffer and salt solution. This greatly increases the GFP concentration in the samples. The fractions are placed in the centricon and then into a centrifuge for 25 minutes at 3,000 rpm to be separated by size. The large proteins stay in the entricon while buffer and salt solution goes into the plunger. To reduce the concentration of salt in the GFP sample, the sample is diluted 10 folds.Since the amount of GFP that was restored was 18 mL, 162 mL of tris buffer needed to be added. The diluted GFP is then put in the chromatography container, containing positively charged DEAE which is attracted to the GFP at a low salt concentration. After the GFP has been completely filled, the column is connected to a beaker that contains a low salt concentration. the low salt concentration beaker is connected to a high salt concentration beaker. As one drop of low salt solution goes into the chromatography column, one drop of high salt solution goes into the low salt solution.Gradually the salt concentration increases in the low salt beaker and in the column chromatography, causing GFP to spread down the container. The eluted GFP dripped out of the column chromatography to be collected in test tubes. I nree pnase partltlonlng Figure 4: Precipitate of GFP. T-butanol is one top while contaminates are on bottom GFP then went through three-phase partitioning, also known as TT P. The fractions taken after an anion exchange was 15 millilieter. Ten ml of 4 M ammonium sulfate was added to this volume to increase the salt concentration of the solution to 1. M, which is about 40% salt saturation. Twenty-five milliliters of t-butanol was added then added which was the same amount of ammonium sulfate and GFP in the container. The container was then placed in the centrifuge for ten minutes at 4600 RPM, causing the mixture to split into three layers; butanol on top, GFP in solution on the bottom, and precipitated contaminants in-between. The top layer of butanol and disk of precipitate were taken out. The volume of GFP solution was again matched in utanol and the container went into the centrifuge again. An aspirator was used to extract the GFP into a microfuge. . 6M ammonium sulfate was then added to the microfuge and the container was placed in a micro centrifuge for one minute at 13,000 RPM. Butanol and other contaminants that had not been take out previously f ormed a disc, was then taken out with an aspirator and the remaining GFP was then left in the microfuge. HPLC Figure 5: HPLC basic layout After the sample went through three phase partitioning, it was put through the High Performance Liquid Chromatography for a final purification. First liquid was put into the HPLC to clean out any previous GFP inside the loop of the HPLC and the column of the HPLC.Then, GFP in the microfuge was sucked into an injector to be put into the HPLC. Pushing the top of the injector slowly, GFP entered into a loop inside the HPLC. Once the GFP was placed in the loop, a knob was turned clockwise to the word lock. The GFP was then sent to the column where it was purified further by size through the minuscule beads. About 6,000 pounds of pressure per square inch was produced by the HPLC to push the GFP through the beads. While this was occurring, a pectrophotometer connected to the HPLC read the wavelengths of substances.Near the 396 nm wavelength, GFP was col lected in a microfuge tube. A UV light was held near tne exlt 0T Results e HPLC to measure tne amount ng sample. Graph 1: Results of the sample after HIC at a wavelength of 395 nm Graph 2: Results of the sample after HIC at a wavelength of 280 nm Graph 3: Results of the sample after HIC of the entire spectrum Seventeen test tubes were received after the HIC purification process. A blank consisting of tris buffer and ammonium sulfate was sampled in the spectrophotometer against liquid from each of the seventeen test tubes.Graph one represents the sample after HIC at a wavelength of 395 nm while graph two Results shows the results after HIC at a wavelength of 280 nm. After HIC, the fractions 12 to 16 were chosen for their purity and recovery of GFP. Graph one show the amount of GFP in each fraction number while graph two shows the total amount of protein in each fraction number. Graph three shows the spectrum of the entire sample. Graph 4: Results after Anion Exchange at a 397 nm wave length Graph 5: Results after Anion Exchange at a 280 nm wavelength Graphing 6 Thirteen test tubes were collected from the Anion Exchange purification process.This time the samples were blanked against tris buffer at 8. 0 pH and 0. 5 molar sodium chloride. Graph four shows results of the Anion Exchange at a 397 nm wavelength and graph five shows the results after Anion Exchange at a 280 nm wavelength. Once again, the graph at a 297 nm wavelength shows the amount of GFP while the graph at a 280 nm wavelength shows the amount of total protein. Graph six represents the results of the entire spectrum. The GFP peak was a lot more visible. Step Iotal sample (mL Abs (280) Total Protein Abs (397) GFP Ratio Crude sample 120 1600 . 25 At-ns042- 20 1 . 61 . 9 118 HIC 18 . 28 . 173 . 618 15 . 126 . 130 1. 03 3 Phase Partitioning . 01 n/a . 75 . 243 . 257 1. 06 Table 1: This is the overall data table. The second column shows the total volume at the start of each purification step. The following two columns are the peaks of the graphs at those wavelengths. The last column represents the ratio of GFP to the total Protein. The most desirable ratio is 1. 25. Dlscusslon The first method in purifying the crude GFP was using the ammonium sulfate precipitate. When ammonium sulfate is placed in water, it dissociates into ammonium (NH4+) and sulfate ions (S042-).Water, composed of two hydrogen ions and one oxygen ion, is a polar molecule because the oxygen has a high electronegativity. Oxygen has a greater affinity making the oxygen portion of water negative and the hydrogen portion of the water positive. The dissociated positively charged ammonium ion is allured to the negatively charged oxygen while the negatively charged sulfate ions are attracted to the dissociated positively charged hydrogen. The attraction between the ammonium sulfate and the water was so strong that the GFP and other proteins were left unoccupied, causing them to precipitate.When GFP in the 70% salt solution was placed into the centrifuge, substances such as DNA and RNA was removed because they became part of the supernatant. At a 70% salt concentration, only hydrophilic substances stay in solution while the more hydrophobic substances precipitate. When the GFP in a 25% solution of salt was placed in the centrifuge, the GFP and other substances went back into solution because there not enough water was occupied by the salt. Before the GFP is placed in the centrifuge, it must be balanced with another centrifuge with the same weight and the two containers must be placed across from one another.This is vital because the centrifuge needs to be balanced when it is rotating at an incredibly fast speed. Failure to have balanced centrifuge containers can result in a broken centrifuge and loud sounds. Also when mixing the GFP with salt, it is important not the shake the container or frothing will occur, making it difficult to transfer the solution in to an oak ridge centrifuge tube. The second p urification procedure that GFP underwent was hydrophobic interactions. During this purification, GFP binded to the non-polar Phenyl Sepharose beads because of its non-polar and hydrophobic traits.However the water in tris buffer is strong enough to separate the attraction between GFP and the Phenyl Sepharose. Therefore a high salt concentration is necessary to occupy the water so that the GFP and the Phenyl Sepharose to be attracted together. At a high salt concentration, GFP with bind easily to the Phenyl Sepharose since very little water molecules would interfere with the attraction and at a low salt concentration, GFP would not bind easily to the Phenyl Sepharose because tnere wlll De a lot 0T unoccuplea water molecules tnat wlll De aDle to InterTere wltn the GFP and Phenyl Sepharose attraction.Before the experiment, ten millimolar tris buffer at a pH of 8 was used to clean the column in order to keep the pH stable and to wash away the salt, ammonium sulfate, in the column. Remov ing the salt is vital because the buffer that once surrounds the salt will be allured to the hydrophobic benzene and to the hydrophobic patches on the GFP. Since the hydrophobic patches of the GFP are already filled, they will be flushed out, leaving mostly beads of benzene and the 10 millimolar tris buffer at a pH of 8. Once the column has been clean, it needs to be equilibrated so that the salt concentration is the same through the olumn.The step gradient used, started ata 1 molar ammonium sulfate concentration and was halved until a . 25 molar concentration to separate substances by hydrophobicity. The third purification procedure was anion exchange. In this procedure, GFP and other contaminants are separated by charge. The beads in the containers are different from the beads from the hydrophobic interaction because on they have a different chemical called DEAE which makes them positively charged. GFP has both protons and electrons on it which is why it was not easily attracted t o the DEAE, which is why the GFP is put in a basic solution.Ata high pH, the amount of negatively charged hydroxide increases and these hydroxides are allured by the protons on the GFP. The protons are than neutralized, making GFP a negatively charged molecule. The isoelectric point of GFP is at a pH of 5. 3. Ata pH higher than 5. 3, it is negatively charged and when it is at a pH lower than 5. 3, it is positively charged. Once the column chromatography is filled with GFP and connected to a beaker of low salt which connected to a beaker of high salt, anion exchange occurs. As the salt concentration increases, the GFP slowly spreads down the column and eventually out f the column into test tubes.Between the HIC and the Ion exchange chromatography, the sample the fractions were pooled and put in a centricon causing the GFP concentration in the samples to increase. This occurred because the ultrafilter only allowed particles smaller than protein to go in to the pusher. The large protei ns stay in the centricon while buffer and salt solution goes into the plunger. The sample of GFP was also diluted 10 folds because the sample needs to be in a low salt solution to use anion exchange and after the GFP had gone through hydrophobic interaction, it was in a high salt solution.The anion exchange method creates a continuous salt gradient because as one drop of low salt solution goes into the column chromatography, causing GFP to spread down the container. The follow procedure was the three phase partitioning purification. T-butanol and 1. 6 molar ammonium sulfate were essential for this procedure. T-butanol has a low density causing in to stay above the GFP solution. In addition it has an attraction for water and other hydrophobic substances causing 5 mL of water to be drawn out of the GFP sample and precipitated substances to float between the t-butanol and the GFP sample.Fresh t-butanol is necessary after removing the old t-butanol with the contaminants because at that point, the salt concentration had increased since water was drawn out. was aDle to De preclpltatea Decause 0T tne nlgn salt concentration. The final procedure for purifying GFP was using the HPLC which separated substances by size. The beads used in the HPLC column are miniscule and porous. The pours on the beads give substances of the same size more opportunities to leave the HPLC at the same time. Since the beads are so small, high pressure is needed to push the GFP sample through the beads.Naturally, smaller substances will exit the HPLC first while larger materials will exist last. In all scientific experiments room for error is unavoidable. During the HIC, IEX, three phase partitioning, and the HPLC, amounts of GFP were lost due to the GFP sticking to a container, a pipette, and even spills. During the HIC some of the GFP was lost due the overflowing the test tubes with liquid exiting the column. During the HPLC some GFP was lost because not all GFP dripping out of the HPLC wen t in to the microphage. Other errors include letting the column dry because the liquid was not dded to the beaker about the column.During the spectrophotometer runs, the blank was no inserted correctly causing the reading of the GFP to be incorrect. In addition, the order in which the GFP samples were suppose to be placed in the spectrophotometer was messed up. Judging from the overall purification table, table 1, the purification was quite successful. Originally, the ratio was only . 25, but by the end of all the purification procedures, it obtained a ratio 1. 06. A 1. 25 ratio is most desirable and through the purification, the ratio was nearly reached. The anion exchange, three phase artitioning, and the HPLC purification were the most impacting procedures.The anion exchange greatly increased the purity of the crude sample compared to the HIC purification. The three phase partitioning and HPLC purified the GFP even more. Some improvements to the protocols would be to start with t he anion exchange purification so that overall, the salt solution would go from a low salt concentration to a higher salt concentration. This also eliminates the need to dilute the solution. In addition, an automatic machine could be used to shift the test tubes that collect the iquid exiting the columns to prevent overflowing test tubes and the risk losing GFP.GFP is unique because of its florescent glow. This glow can be used as a marker or an indicator. If a glowing marker could be placed on infectious cells such as tumor cells or cancerous cells, it would revolutionize the treatment of these diseases because doctors will be able to track where the harmful cells are. In addition, if it is possible to trigger the florescence of GFP with UV light, it can eventually be used in light bulbs to produce light. GFP light bulbs would last for an incredibly long time ince they are very resistant to denaturing.In addition, in vehicles, GFP can be mixed in the motor oil, transmission oil, po wer steering oil, air conditioning oil, and other oils so that if a leak occurs in a car, it can easily be spotted by shinning UV light on the car. The purification of GFP can lead to endless new innovations in electrical engineering, automotive repair, and curing deadly diseases.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Describe and explain the most important contributions of FDR to the Essay

Describe and explain the most important contributions of FDR to the history of the United States - Essay Example His name is also connected with one of the most significant chapters in the history of American foreign policy and diplomacy - creation of the League of Nations that is a prototype of the modern United Nations; establishment and normalization of diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union; U.S. leading role in the anti-Hitler coalition and post war world. Roosevelt proved himself as an extraordinary, flexible and extremely cautious politician, able to guess the trend correctly and promptly and accurately respond to the changing mood of all social classes. His New Deal program not only balanced the finance industry of the country during and after the worst financial crisis, but also helped to minimize serious social and political upheaval. This set of laws, passed by Congress on the initiative of the President, was a bold experiment in the sphere of state regulation. Thanks to Roosevelt, the U.S. spent more than 40 years without any crises. Capitalism as the economic system has survived in America just because Roosevelt managed to humanize industrial relations and introduced the principles of social responsibility. Roosevelt started the transformation of American society into a regulated and socially oriented. Roosevelt did his best to preserve and develop the existing socio-economic system in the country and strengthen the dominant position of the United States in the world. Roosevelt, in contrast to many other Presidents, has always remained a sober and pragmatic

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Report 1500 words Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Report 1500 words - Essay Example Social factors are those which include the family backgrounds, the geographical areas, the socio-economic classes, and other factors relating to types of schools, teachers, and education. Primary schools in the UK suffer many social factors influencing the provision of education because UK is a multicultural society with various socio-economic classes, different types of schools such as private and public, and several family backgrounds. Schools teach socializing to students and give them common values according to which they develop their personalities away from their ethnic, cultural, or economic backgrounds (Hawkins, 2012, p. 116). However, at times the social factors intervene in the provision of education to students and affect their nurturing. There are some schools that are private and some public which affects the provision of education. Private schools consist of the students who belong to higher socio-economic classes. Such schools have teachers who provide high quality education to students and focus on their designed plans and curriculums; in addition to giving students ethical and religious values that would bring them closer to humanity and developing a strong personality. Public schools provide primary education to students coming from all sorts of social backgrounds. Even though these schools have governors, leaders, managers, and staff members who are continually monitored by the government, they often fail to minimize the differences between students. At times, language barriers and ethnic differences affect the provision of education in public schools as they are located in districts which ofte n have people from the same cultures, or people from diverse cultures (Sylva, 2010, p. 56). Socio-economic factors deal with the areas where the schools are located. Some students are situated in areas where there are ethnic minorities whereas some are located in low socio-economic areas. These

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Organizational culture is fundamentally about symbolic meaning and as Essay - 1

Organizational culture is fundamentally about symbolic meaning and as such cannot be managed. Discuss - Essay Example By symbolism people consciously give shape and form to their own reality. Reality does not constitute of objects to which humans react, rather it is the social environment within which people act according to their own perspective of the situation. Any object or action can be called a symbol when it has a differentiated meaning from its actual self. An object or action becomes a symbol when it is not perceived by their apparent form but by the meaning applied to it by the members of the organization. For instance a large desk is not viewed as an object of convenience for various activities, but is regarded as a representative of the organization’s power, status and influence. Thus, the desk becomes a cultural symbol of the organization’s status (Schultz, 1995, p.76). Organizational culture is imbibed with abstract aspects like feelings, emotions and thought processes of people, and also with objects for their symbolic values rather than their instrumental values. Organi zational culture is thus not easy to manage since many profound aspects of culture like visions and feelings of people must be considered with great value when objective is to bring possible changes to organizational culture. This paper focuses on the interconnection of symbolism and organizational culture. ... In the last few decades, most academics have been suggesting that the idea of culture is the environment and the climate created by the organization for management of its people. Organizational culture is the system of feelings, thoughts and beliefs of a group of people associated with an organization, and the meaning that people attach to their actions. It reflects the views of the employees about the way things are done in an organization (O’Donnell & Boyle, 2008, p.viii). Thus, culture provides a sense of identity to an organization. The culture of an organization encompasses everything that it is good at and all the things that worked in the past. These concepts are generally accepting by the employees who have been working in an organization for a long period. When new employees join the organization, they learn about the legends of the organization. With time such legends become the norm which means they become the normal and accepted pattern of behavior. (O’Donne ll & Boyle, 2008, pp.4-5) In recent times management theories have been emphasizing on the managers the importance of creating a strong cultural ambiance within the organization (O’Donnell & Boyle, 2008, p.viii). The fascinating thing about culture is that it indicates a phenomenon that is hidden beneath the surface and is invisible but has powerful impact. Culture shapes the behavioral patterns of the members of a group through the common beliefs that are held in that group (Schein, 2010, p.14). It has been suggested that â€Å"culture and leadership are fundamentally intertwined.† (Schein, 2010, p.xi) There are three elements to this – 1) the leaders are

Weeding Out Corporate Psychopaths Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Weeding Out Corporate Psychopaths - Essay Example Most of the companies face high employees’ turnover since the employees are victimised by the psychopaths. The psychopaths tend to target his or her immediate superior as one of the strategies to transfer accuse for any wrongdoing (Boddy, n.d.). The main objective of this study is to examine what a corporate psychopath represents and the dangers that they pose to the workplace. This report will also try to evaluate if the case study has been capable of providing convincing account of comprehending corporate psychopaths. The study will attempt to make use of numerous research articles related to corporate psychopaths so that it can offer a clear understanding on the work behaviour of this category of people. Concepts Related To Corporate Psychopaths Organisational psychopaths are referred to those people who subsist at an occurrence of about one percent of the common populace and who work in an organisation. It is a well known fact that the organisational psychopaths are capabl e of demonstrating themselves as pleasing employees and have the capability to gain position in the organisation easily. These people do not have any conscience and are capable to cruelly charm, lie, coax and hence manipulate their way up in an organisational hierarchy in chase of their key aims and power, possessions as well as position at the expense of anyone who comes on their way (Boddy, 2006). The concept related to corporate psychopaths gets hitched with the term ‘psychopaths’ which has been derived from the dimension of psychological literatures and the term ‘corporate’ has been derived from the area of business in order to symbolize a psychopath’s working and operating in the organisational context. It has been observed that the corporate psychopaths tend to manipulate others without any principles, for the purpose of furthering their own objectives. It is worthy of mentioning the fact that the corporate psychopaths have been capable of ente ring into the modern organisations as well as other organisations because of the charming personality that they possess (Babiak & et. al., 2010). They can rise immediately and remain comparatively unobserved within the members of the organisation due to disordered nature of the modern organisation. Such corporate nature is featured by quick alterations, steady renewal and a quick turnover of the talented personnel. It is these changes in the culture of the organisation that makes it harder for the organisation to identify the corporate psychopaths because steady movements tend to make their attitude and behavior imperceptible and combined along with their extroverted personal charisma and appeal, making them to appear as normal and as ideal leaders (Boddy, 2011). One of the well recognised facts is that employees tend to lose their jobs and at times even their livelihood when the organisations tend to be destroyed due to the actions of their senior directors. The shareholders as wel l as the society as a whole tend to be affected because of the negative deeds of the senior directors. Private enterprises also lose their integrity. Such corporate collapses have been apparent in the recent years and have been found to be mushrooming in the western countries. It has further played a crucial role in global financial crisis (Boddy, 2010). Most of the people demonstrate various characteristics of psychopaths; however a few of them tend to be true psychopaths. They tend to be

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cleopatra Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Cleopatra - Research Paper Example This essay describes Cleopatra, who came into power in a period when there was much tension in the Egyptian Empire, owing to the inclusion of Rome within its territory. Thus, her reign was a very difficult period and consisted of many ups and downs. She had to face internal pressure from Egypt owing to the fact that a woman ruler was not very much welcome in her period and people were still unprepared to be ruled by a female empress. Furthermore, there were external pressures from Rome as well. But Cleopatra was a woman who utilized her charms and her brilliance to overcome this pressure and faced all the challenges. She used her looks and her brilliance to engage with two important men of that period, which included Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. She could not face defeat and when she lost all hope of remaining in power, she chose to kill herself rather than live a life of defeat. Her life and her rule are still remembered and are significant in the history of the world. Even after centuries, the empire of Cleopatra is remembered because of the wealth that it had gathered in those times. Cleopatra was a charismatic leader who worked towards her country in order to conquer many territories. Her love affair with Antony was so pure that the examples of it are still given in our century. She chose to make deals rather than spill the blood of her soldiers and it is through these conditions that she was able to grasp a wide territory. Her charisma can be clearly witnessed in forming a deal with both Caesar and Antony.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Postmodernism and Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Postmodernism and Theory - Essay Example The essay "Postmodernism and Theory" explores the movement of Postmodernism. To a large degree, postmodernism is focused on an examination of reality versus unreality, discovering in the process that there is more blurred areas between the two than there are clear distinctions. These ideas are discussed through several works including Baudrillard, Mulvey and Nochlin.Introducing the idea of the simulation, Baudrillard says that we have come to a place where the false precedes the real. In addition to discovering that the simulation no longer matches the real, Baudrillard says it has gone farther, reducing everything down to miniature and making it hyperreal, something that exists in and of itself, with little to connect it to the original. The real, in this system, has become little more than a series of signs that stand in its place. The danger with simulacra as opposed to representation is that representation starts with the idea of the real within the representation while simulatio n wraps around the representation and calls everything false. Disneyland is used as an example of how the imaginary happy social world contained within its gates as opposed to the isolation of the parking lot masks how the world we believe to be America is just as falsely envisioned. "It is always a question of proving the real by the imaginary; proving truth by scandal; proving the law by transgression; proving work by the strike; proving the system by crisis and capital by revolution†. This same concept is traced.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Pro Porn Feminist view of career in Pornography Essay

Pro Porn Feminist view of career in Pornography - Essay Example Pornography has provided female pornography actor with the financial augment they need, especially after becoming a widow or due to the lack of suitable jobs for qualified female pornography actor. Now pornography has turned into one of the biggest and most profitable industry and thus has invited a lot of interest and charm for female pornography actor to turn towards pornography in order to make some quick buck. Before we discuss the various views of female pornography actor working in the porn industry, we should define the definition of pornography. Although this has been a very debated topic too, as various authors find the definition in quite contrasting views. However, a generally accepted definition for "Pornography" is: "Pornography (from Greek pornographia - literally writing about or drawings of harlots) is the representation of the human body or human sexual behaviour with the goal of sexual arousal, similar to, but (according to some) distinct from, erotica."(Wikipedia) It has been arugued that pornography is "degrading" for female pornography actor. However, I believe that degrading is a very vague term. It narrows down to the point where every individual is in the position to define what is "degrading" and what is not. Another thing linked to this debate is that female pornography actor are used as "sex objects" and thus their importance mitigated. If this objection is taken at face value, it is meaningless, as objects do not have sexuality, only beings do. But if we state that female pornography actor are depicted as "sexual beings" would make a poor idiom. Most female sex workers foster the view that pornography should not be restricted, not because they oppose restricting harmful speech, but because they regard pornography as relatively harmless. They identify the harm of pornography as the harm of offense and maintain that the fact that some find certain materials offensive is not a sufficient reason for restricting those materials.( Gittler,2000) However, despite the benefits of porn, there still remains strong advocates of anti-porn. MacKinnon has disagreed that pornography is an action, instead of a form of expression. In her work titled "Only Words" she strongly presents the view that pornography is an illocutionary act of subordination. Another way that MacKinnon tries to augment the view that pornography is an action involves a similarly glaring non sequitur: "Pornography is masturbation material. It is used as sex. It therefore is sex."(Mackinnon 2000) The fact that pornography is used in certain actions, though, does not make it the case that pornography is an action. Finally, MacKinnon asserts that pornography is an action because it causes harmful acts. MacKinnon defends that pornography is causally linked to acts of sexism and violence against female pornography actor. Another important argument raised against female pornographic actors is that pornography entices men to commit rape. Studies and experts have contracted this view and have refused to accept any links between the two things, which they consider as poles apart. To further proof this point, the highly "pro-censorship" Messe Commission Report also agreed to this fact.( Jones,2001) Take the case of Japan, where pornography and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Partner Model Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Partner Model - Coursework Example A distinction can be made between â€Å"hard† and â€Å"soft† approaches to HRM, in which the organization may adopt â€Å"hard† approach, whereby employees can be perceived as a resource to be managed just like other factors of production. Conversely, organizations may place an emphasis on a â€Å"soft† approach to HRM in which employees comes out as a valuable asset, whose contribution plays a critical role in the attainment of organization success. The paper explores the efficacy of business partner model in addressing the changes and improvements necessitated by investing in â€Å"human capital.† HR business partnering represents the process in which HR professionals closely work with business leaders or line managers with the intention of attaining shared organizational objectives, primarily with the motive of designing and implementing HR systems and processes that propel strategic business aims (Caldwell 2010, p.49). In the HR business partne r model, the human resource departments play a critical role in strategic planning, especially in attainment of present and future objectives (Ian 2006, p.33). The model does not only concentrate on HR duties such as payroll, benefits, and employee relations, but also add value to the company by directing recruiting, advancement, training, and placement of new and current employees (Lambert 2009, p.7). Business partnering seeks to encourage line managers at diverse levels to take responsibility in managing HR team. Business partner model seeks to enhance the effectiveness of HR and minimize its costs. The ultimate aim of business partnering centers of aligning people strategy more closely with what the business requires. The engagement in training and development can be undertaken with full knowledge of the inner workings of the business (Dowling, Festing, and Engle 2008, p.4). Hence, the strategic orientation that business partner model heralds allows organizations to attain the mo st productive outcome. Some of the key issues encountered in the implementation of business partnering entail absence of clarity regarding the HR’s role, and the lack of a consistent business strategy within which HR can work. HR may be marginalized from real decision making, and the influence of business partnering may differ. Some of the inherent conflicts within the model derive from the fact that the performance of one role may conflict with competing demands yielding to potential role-overload (Ian 2006, p.34). Other possible conflicts emanates from incomplete performance criteria in undertaking a single role, such as being strategic while at the same time responding to line manager’s tactical issues (Lambert 2009, p.8). The implementation of business partner model can herald enhancements on the organization’s bottom line and productivity. The implementation of business partnering can lead to sustained revenue growth, profit growth and cost reduction, and i mproved customer royalty and retention. This hinges on the capability to work smarter (business partnering

Monday, July 22, 2019

Nothing but the Truth Essay Example for Free

Nothing but the Truth Essay In Avis book, Nothing But the Truth, there is a quote from a Shakespearian play. Brutus says, No Cassius; for the eye sees not itself/But by reflection, by some other things. I think that in deeper terms, this means that a person cannot see how he or she acts unless someone acts the same way or describes it to them. This quote can be applied to the story because Philip Malloy, the main character cannot see himself clearly. In that way, I am like Philip Malloy. I have no perception of whether my actions have positive or negatives effects and always assume that I am right. In the story, Philip blames his Language Arts teacher for not teaching well and being uptight. He claims that she is the only reason that he does not have a passing grade in that class and therefore the reason that he cannot be on the track team. My opinion is that Philip does not even consider the possibility that he may be part of the problem. I think that if only Philip would try a little harder in Miss Narwins Language Arts class, he would be able to pass. The problem is, Philip is extremely stubborn and insists on believing that his teacher likes picking on him. He refuses to even try to even think about Miss Narwins side of the story. Miss Narwin, in Principal Doanes opinion is one of the best teachers at their school. Miss Narwin, however, thinks that her methods are too old-fashioned and wants to attend a workshop on new approaches to teach literature to students. Her request is turned down and she isnt very happy about that. I think that Miss Narwins desire to take this workshop has a little bit to do with Philip. She knows that Philip has great potential to learn and wants to find a way to connect with him. In what Philip sees as Miss Narwin picking on him is actually an attempt to get him to do better. Sometimes I do not see things clearly either. I have a one track mind. I think that everything I do is right and it is in that way that I am like Philip. When I am wrong, I do not see why and I get frustrated and angry. When this happens I blame it on another person. I do not think about whether there might be another side to the problem or not. To me, there is just no question of me being the cause of the trouble. But if someone would explain to me nicely and clearly, I am usually able to see the logic. In summary, the quote that is on page forty-eight of Avis book, Nothing But the Truth fits with the story nicely. The quote basically says that people need someone to tell them that not everything they do is right and that they may be the ones that are the problem. I am like that too, but as long as someone is there to help me, I will be able to understand.

A Theory of Cross-Cultural Communication Essay Example for Free

A Theory of Cross-Cultural Communication Essay A Theory of Cross-Cultural Communication  © Anthony Pym 2003 Intercultural Studies Group Universitat Rovira i Virgili Tarragona, Spain* Pre-print version 3. 3 The following is a series of propositions designed to connect a few ideas about translation as a mode of cross-cultural communication. The ideas are drawn from a multiplicity of existing theories; the aim is not particularly to be original. The propositions are instead intended to link up three endeavors: an abstract conception of cross-cultural communication, a description of the specificities of translation, and an attempt to envisage the future of such communication in a globalizing age. The various points at which the propositions draw on or diverge from previous theories are indicated in a series of notes. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. On cross-cultural communication in general Cross-cultural communication involves the perceived crossing of a point of contact between cultures. Cultures here are minimally seen as large-scale systems of assumed shared references, linguistic or otherwise1, used for the purposes of reducing complexity. 2 Cultures themselves may idealize one or several centers, where the shared references are felt to be so dense that communication would be without any need for reductions of complexities. Away from such ideals, cultures have peripheries, where references are sparse, or sparsely shared, or mixed with references shared by other cultures. The terms â€Å"center† and â€Å"periphery† are not to be understood geopolitically. (cf. Even-Zohar 1990, Toury 1995) The differences between centers and peripheries are operative fictions rather than primary empirical facts. The very belief that one is in a central position may be enough to curtail complexity, just as the false impression that one is lacking in context may increase complexity. (Pym 1998) The difference between center and periphery may also be characterized in terms of effort. When shared references are believed to be dense (all else being equal), the reduction of complexity requires less effort than when the references are believed to be sparse. Effort here is understood as being on both the sending and receiving sides of messages, as well as in any mediating position or investment in the channel. A text sent and received near a perceived center will thus require less investment of effort than the same text sent from a center to a periphery (assuming that the reduction of complexity is 1. 3. 1. 4. 1. 5. to be to a similar degree in both cases). And further supplementary effort will be needed if the text is to be received in another culture. (Pym 1995) 1. 6. The lines between cultures are marked as cross-over points where the communication act receives supplementary effort of a mediating and discontinuous nature. Such points are usually where translations are carried out. (Pym 2001a) Cross-cultural communication thus marks the points of contact between cultures, although it alone will not join up the points to form any kind of line. (Pym 1998, 2001a, cf. Chatwin 1987) On complexity and its reduction Texts are inscribed objects that can be interpreted in different ways and for different functions, quite independently of any original intentions. The plurality of possible interpretations is what we are calling complexity. The reduction of complexity does not imply any discerning of a true or primal meaning. For example, a reader at this point might interpret the term â€Å"reduction of complexity† as â€Å"understanding†, but such a reading will hopefully be deviated by the following paragraphs. In this sense, the reduction of complexity does not entail an act of understanding in any idealist sense. Nor must effort be expended only to reduce complexity. Effort can also be used to make texts more complex, preparing them for a greater plurality of interpretations. Such might be a certain conception of aesthetic pleasure, diplomatic ambiguity, or communicative mechancete. The degree of appropriate complexity is in each case dependent on the success conditions of the communicative act concerned. On success conditions Success conditions are criteria that make the communicative act beneficial for all or some of the participants concerned. 4 Such criteria may be simple, as in the case of a business negotiation to reach mutual agreement on a sales price: the success condition might be that a price is agreed to by all participants.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Woody Allen On Life And Death English Literature Essay

Woody Allen On Life And Death English Literature Essay Woody Allen was born on December 1, 1935. He is an actor, director, screenwriter, playwright, author, and comedian. He focuses most of his work on middleclass life in New York City. He wrote a number of works that deal with life and death, specifically in the two I will focus on: Death Knocks and Whatever Works. Woody Allen depicts certain themes constantly throughout his works. Many of his characters change their values dramatically, which they held dearly before to adapt to their current situation. This was apparent in his movie, Whatever Works. He also shows the degradation of human society in his film through the perspective of the main character, Boris. Woody Allen s view on life and death is shown in his movies and books as changing, but also depressing and sometimes scary because of the way he writes. Woody Allen was born to a middleclass Jewish family in Brooklyn, New York. He always wanted to be a playwright and started stand-up comedy while in school. He was a writer for television shows, which helped him gain access to the entertainment industry. Eventually, he began writing, directing and acting in his plays and films. He has won Oscars for his films and has become a successful comedian. He has put a lot of himself in his films. Many of his characters have been older men with younger woman, such as the relationship between Boris and Melody in Whatever Works. Woody Allen had a relationship with his ex-wife s adopted daughter, who he later married. Woody Allen is the writer and director of Whatever Works, a film in which he depicts his views on life through the main character, Boris. For Allen, filmmaking is an art that, he says, distracts me from the uncertainty of life, the inevitability of aging and death and death of loved ones; mass killings and starvation, from holocausts not just man-made carnage, but the existential position youre in. Allen has portrayed his characters as a self-projection that began in his earlier movies. In Stardust Memories (1980), Allen presented a portrait of a man who is intended to appear just as depraved as Allen s critics have accused him of being (Lee 115-116). Thus, in Whatever Works, Allen again projects himself on to Boris. Boris believes that life is a horror show and that is completely overwhelming. He believes that life s aspirations eventually conform with age to whatever works. Whatever Works opening scene depicts the main character, Boris , outlook on life. The movie s first scene tal ks about the failures of ideologies because they all rely on the fact that people are fundamentally decent, which he believes is untrue. Boris claims life is a nightmare without people in it and that people should take whatever pleasure they can get in this house of nightmares. He has a completely cynical and negative view of life. In an interview, Woody Allen expressed his views of life and his life as a filmmaker. After Whatever Works, the broadcaster asked Woody about his reoccurring theme life being hard and painful. Allen responded, All the important writers and all the important philosophers have, in one form or another, come to the conclusion, the obvious conclusion, that you know, life is a terrible trial and very harsh and very full of suffering, and so whatever you can do with the stipulation that you dont hurt anybody without, you know, ruining a life here or there or causing any damage, theres nothing wrong with it (Will the Real Woody Allen). This provides insight into his philosophy of life and how it impacts his work. Like Boris, Woody says that real problems distract him from his work, like facing the harsh realities of life and facing death. He says that what distracts him is: the uncertainty of life and inevitability of aging and death, and death of loved ones, and mass killings and starvations and holocausts, and not just the manmade carnage but the existential position that youre in, you know, being in a world where you have no idea whats going on, why youre here or what possible meaning your life can have and the conclusion that you come to after a while, that there is really no meaning to it, and its just a random, meaningless event, and these are pretty depressing thoughts. And if you spend much time thinking about them, not only cant you resolve them, but you sit frozen in your seat (Will the Real Woody Allen). This shows how much Woody puts his thoughts into those of his characters. Woody Allen was influenced by many American and European influences, such as Ingmar Bergman, Dostoevsky, Charlie Chaplin, Orson Welles and more. Allen distrusts and satirizes formal education which he explicitly voices through Melody, when she tells Boris that he told her the American education system has failed (Woody Allen). In Whatever Works, Woody Allen tells the story of Boris. He is an old man and a genius. He divorces his first wife after a failed suicide attempt when he realizes they are perfect on paper but incompatible in real life. Then one day, after hanging out with his friends, he meets Melody, a young woman from Mississippi. She convinces him to let her stay with him temporarily. She is na ve and appreciates his outlook on life and eventually, falls in love with his genius mind. She believes she is lucky because a girl of her intelligence found a man with his genius, a physicist who claims he almost won the Nobel Peace Prize. Boris imposes his ideologies upon Melody. Woody Allen s views on beliefs are strongly shown as adapting to current situations. This can be seen in the movie Whatever Works through Woody Allen s depiction of Melody s parents. They are both blue-collar stereotypical religious Midwestern Americans. When Melody s mother first arrives, she faints after seeing that Melody is married to a man like Boris, believing that he is either holding or hostage or has brainwashed her. Prior to arriving in New York City, Melody s mother was a housewife who had only been with one man, her husband. After he cheated on her, they got a divorce and she came to her daughter. Eventually, she settles into a life in New York City. After a few weeks, she becomes an artist and takes in a lover and then another lover. She lives with two men and creates nude collages. Her husband is similar in his change. He is also a blue blooded American. When he comes to New York to get his wife back, he has a self-realization that he is a homosexual and lives with a ma le lover. Woody Allen shows how one s aspirations in life change to whatever works . In the movie, Woody Allen s view of life is cynical and his view of death is comical. Each time the character Boris s marriage fails; he attempts suicide by jumping out the window. After the first time, Boris land on a canopy develops a limp and divorces his wife. He believes they were the perfect couple on paper but that it no longer worked . He realized this after an anxiety attack in the middle of the night when he realized he was dying. He was referring to dying slowly each day and that one day, he will die. The second time Boris attempted suicide after his wife, Melody, tells him she is in love with another man and wants to love life and interact with others, and not be cynical anymore. He tells her he expected this day to come but when he goes home, he jumps out the window again. This time, he lands on a woman and breaks her leg. They eventually become a couple. Death is seen as way out of the hardship of life, however, for Boris, when one chapter closed, another opened. Life f or him was always worth living, even if he did not believe so at the time. He also tried to commit suicide on a rash whim. It was never planned but an immediate action without thinking. Woody Allen has parodied suicide in many of his films prior to Whatever Works, including What s New, Pussycat? (1965). Throughout his works, Allen asks fundamental questions about human life that includes, Is it possible to create a deeply satisfying romantic relationship with just one person? Is there one set of absolutely true moral principles, or is ethics simply a matter of opinion? Is there God? And what will happen after death? (Lee 46). In Whatever Works (2009), Woody Allen has finally come to a conclusion for many of his philosophical questions that he asked in his earlier films. Woody Allen is definitive in claiming there is no God as Boris and Melody mock Melody s father for praying. Melody outright tells her father that he is praying to nothing just air. Thus, faced with a meaningless universe and no way to prove the existence of God, his character contemplates suicide is something many of Allen s characters face (Blake 61). It was also apparent that romantic relationships are not with just one person because each of the characters had numerous relationships. Melody s mom had two lovers at the same time. None of the characters abided by a deep-rooted moral code either. Boris repeatedly claimed morals changed to whatever works . Death Knocks is a play about fooling death and putting it off. In the play, there are only two characters Nat Ackerman and Death. Death comes to Nat because it is his time to go. Nat refuses to believe him and plays Death in a game of Gin Rummy for an extra twenty-four hours to live and for some money. Death loses. In the play, Death claims there is a specific Death for each person and that it resembles them. Nat refuses to believe Death and eventually kicks him out of his house. This short play symbolizes Woody Allen s refusal to come to terms with death, shrugging it off and not coming to terms with it. The play shows Allen trying to come to terms with understanding what death is. However, in the play, Nat does not die. Many of his characters are obsessed with death. From Alvy in Annie Hall (1977) to Boris in Whatever Works (2009), the characters are obsessed with abstract considerations about the anguish of living and the terrors of death (Lee 61). Especially since, death is rarely far from Allen s thoughts or images (Blake 69). Woody Allen believes that life is synonymous with suffering. Thus, he takes a position of showing a thin line between choosing life and death for his characters, who are afraid to live and afraid to die. Thus, a repeated theme Woody Allen depicts is when a person comes to realize emotionally as well as intellectually that he will eventually die, he becomes filled with dread, which can be seen in works like Annie Hall and Manhattan (Lee 123). Boris had this epiphany that Nat Ackerson did not. Thus, the reactions of both characters for death were completely different. Woody Allen has led a successful career. He has made many films and written many plays. He is a man who thinks he is an existentialist, trying to see the big picture. He is scared of death and attempts to not think about death by working hard in his films and plays. In Whatever Works and Death Knocks, you get a sense of Woody Allen and how he puts himself into his characters, especially seeing what he says about life and death. Work Cited Allen, Woody. Britannica Biographies. Middle Search Plus. Web. 18 Jan. 2011. Blake, Richard A. Woody Allen: Profane and Sacred. Lanham, MD (u.a.): Scarecrow, 1995. Print. Estrin, Mark W. Allen, Woody. International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers. Ed. Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast. 4th ed. Vol. 2: Directors. Detroit: St. James Press, 2000. 8-14. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 12 Jan. 2011. Lee, Sander H. Eighteen Woody Allen Films Analyzed: Anguish, God and Existentialism. Jefferson, NC: McFarland , 1998. Print. Lee, Sander H. Woody Allens Angst: Philosophical Commentaries on His Serious Films. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1997. Print. McCaffrey, Donald W. Allen, Woody. International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers. Ed. Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast. 4th ed. Vol. 3: Actors and Actresses. Detroit: St. James Press, 2000. 11-14. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 12 Jan. 2011. Will The Real Woody Allen Please Stand Up? [REBROADCAST]. Fresh Air 29 Dec. 2009. Literature Resource Center. Web. 18 Jan. 2011. Woody Allen. International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers. Vol. 2. Gale, 2000.Gale Biography In Context. Web. 19 Jan. 2011. Woody Allen On Life, Films And Whatever Works : NPR. NPR : National Public Radio : News Analysis, World, US, Music Arts : NPR. 15 June 2009. Web. 13 Jan. 2011. .

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Romanticism in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown, The Birthmark, and Rapp

Romanticism in Young Goodman Brown, The Birth-Mark, and Rappaccini's Daughter  Ã‚  Ã‚      Nathaniel Hawthorne gives his own definition of romanticism in the preface to The House of Seven Gables. According to Hawthorne, the writer of a romance may "claim a certain latitude" and may "deepen and enrich the shadows of the picture," as long as he does not "swerve aside from the truth of the human heart." The writer of a romance "will be mingle the Marvelous" as long as he does it to a "slight," however if he "disregards this caution," he will not be committing "a literary crime" (Hawthorne, House of Seven Gables, preface). Nathaniel Hawthorne consistently stays true to his standards of romanticism. The application of these standards is most abundant and lucid in "Young Goodman Brown," "The Birth-Mark," and "Rappaccini's Daughter."    The chief difference between a novel and a romance as defined by Hawthorne, and in general, is that the writer of novel must stick to reality, whereas the writer a of romance, Hawthorne in this case, may "claim a certain latitude" (T.H.O.S.G., preface). This "latitude" is expressed in "Rappaccini's Daughter," "...Dew-drops that hung upon leaf and blossom, and, while giving a brighter beauty to each rare flower, brought everything in the limits of an ordinary experience" (Hawthorne, "Rappaccini's Daughter" 655). Although a large portion of the story is spent on describing the vegetation that grow in the garden, Hawthorne symbolizes the flowers as dark and mysterious, not realistic. Hawthorne's use of exaggeration is seen more keenly in "The Birth-Mark." Hawthorne exaggerates this birthmark to mythical proportions, "dreadful Hand" or "Crimson Hand" is how he refers to Georgiana's birth-mark.... ...ed that to be successful. Although, it is possible to write a romance without referring to the supernatural, and certainly many have done so, it's the "Marvelous," that keeps one coming back for more. In all three stories, Hawthorne refers to the "Marvelous," thus remaining true to his definition of romanticism.    One may ponder if Hawthorne's definition of romanticism, as defined in the preface to the House of Seven Gables, was written for that certain work or if his definition of romanticism applies to all his work. As the three works analyzed show, he follows his definition of romanticism throughout his work. Hawthorne succeeds at setting appropriate standards for romanticism and then applying them in his work. Thus, he is remembered as one of the greatest Romantic authors of all time, both by his definition of romanticism and ours. (1057)         

Friday, July 19, 2019

Child Abuse and Neglect Essay -- Violence Against Children

Child abuse consists of any act or failure to act that endangers a child’s physical or emotional health and development. A person caring for a child is abusive if he or she fails to nurture the child, physically injures the child, or relates sexually to the child (Robins). Child abuse is broken down into four major categories: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. Aside from the abuse itself, the cost of the tragic events costs the United States billions of dollars each year. Every day, approximately 4 children in the United States die resulting from child abuse and the majority are under 5-years-old (Fromm). There are many organizations that promote preventative measures in reducing child abuse. If nothing is done, child abuse will continue to rise with many consequences in the future.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Child abuse falls into four main classifications: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. Physical abuse is defined as any non-accidental physical injury to a child (Robins). This can result from beating, whipping, paddling, punching, pushing, shaking, burning with cigarettes, scalding with hot water, or other hot objects. Unfortunately, sexual abuse is rising today. This is any sexual act between an adult and a child, which includes: fondling, touching, or kissing genitals, intercourse, incest, rape, penetration, or oral sex, exposing child to adult sexuality, and child pornography (Robins). Emotional abuse is the most common abuse due to how easily it can be hidden. Emotional abuse is any attitude, behavior, or failure to act on the part of the caregiver that interferes with a child’s mental health or social development (Robins). Many parents who continually yell or scream at his or her child in a way of threatening or showing no signs of affection turn to this so it will not be picked up on as quick as physical abuse. Unfortunately, this type can be the most harmful because it can cause serious emotional and mental problems later on in life. Lastly, neglect is a form of abuse and is defined as the failure to provide a child with basic needs (Robins). This is seen when parents fail to provide children with food, shelter and clothing. Also, caregivers who leave children unattended, fail to provide education, and fail to give children psychological needs are all types of emotional abuse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is estimated that child abuse co... to hotlines, family resources, self-help groups, publications on abuse prevention, an volunteer opportunities (Mulryan 54). National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information gives information on prevention, identification, and treatment of child abuse and neglect (54). There are many other organizations that help children and families prevent and help cope with child abuse. With these specialized organizations there is hope that child abuse will decrease and more information will be delivered to the society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited Adams, Caren, and Jennifer Fay. Helping Your Child Recover from Sexual Abuse. Seattle: Washington UP, 1992. Crosson-Tower, Cynthia. When Children are Abused. Boston: Pearson, 2012. Fromm, Suzette. â€Å"Total Estimated Cost of Child Abuse and Neglect in the United States.† Statistical Evidence. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. Mulryan, Kathleen., et al. â€Å"How to Recognize and Respond to Child Abuse.† Nursing 2014. Web. 13 Feb. 2015. Ramamoorthy, Saraswathy., et al. â€Å"Talking to a Child Who Has Been Abused.† Purdue University. Web. 12 Feb. 2015. Robins, P. â€Å"Recognizing Signs of Child Abuse.† KidsHealth. Web. 13 Feb. 2015.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Heart of Darkness versus Apocalypse Now Essay -- essays research paper

Books and movies present stories in different ways because the medias are incredibly different. In the story Heart of Darkness, the author takes the motif of the journey and presents it in the third person in a way that people could understand with the topic of the spread of culture in the â€Å"third world.† Apocalypse Now shows the journey in a completely different way. It is made into a first person narrative and is changed from colonization to the modern day equivalent of the Vietnam War. Both ways of showing the story keeps the main idea of the journey both inside and outside, but the way of presenting it is very different.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story Heart of Darkness is presented to us in the third person. From the beginning, the story is shown as someone telling a story about something that’s already happened and it goes back and forth between the â€Å"present† and several times which make up the past. The story starts with the narrator telling his fellow boat-mates about a man named Marlow and his adventure into the wild to find a man Kurtz. The whole time the story goes back and forth between the narrator and his telling the story and Marlow driving the action. This is an interesting way of narrating the story because we really do not hear much from the actual speaker but most of the action takes place through Marlow. In the movie Apocalypse Now, the entire story is presented to us from one persons point of view. The Marlow figure in the movie is Captain Willard...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Strategy Formation and Strategic Change: Barnes&Noble and Amazon

The business sector is becoming more competitive than ever before, and many establishments lean on marketing to stand above the rest, making comprehensive strategies essential to any organization. Under strategy comes two distinct terms, which are often interchanged: strategy formation and strategic change. How are they similar, or different?How are they similar or different in terms of two online reference store giants Barnes&Noble and Amazon? Strategy Formation According to the Process of Strategy Formation (n. d. ), strategy formation includes both planning and implementing the details of the strategy.It requires strategists to answer the what, when, where, why, and how of the strategy that they are brewing. There are two bullet points in forming a strategy: activities and roles. Strategy formation activities are the actions that strategists will undertake throughout the strategic implementation. This includes determining the objectives of the strategy, assessing the strategy, pla nning the actual strategic plan and implementing them. Roles refer to the person or groups of people who take charge on each aspect of the strategy, implementing and controllong them.When Amazon started out, it is generally an online book store, with side products that avid web visitors can buy occasionally. The idea, it seems, was to bring convenience to the reading web consumers. (Amazon. com, 2006) Barnes& Noble on the other hand started out as an online â€Å"education system,† and courses were free. The book store phase comes when students start the class, as they are encouraged to buy the references from the site. The idea is to give free training, and sell books that students can use to maximize those trainings. (Barnesandnoble. com, 2006) Strategic ChangeStrategic change, on the other hand, is making an improvement or modifying an existing strategy. There are different reasons why strategies are modified, the most recurrent of which is the inefficacy of a strategy. Fr om an online book shop with occasional gifts and extra items, Amazon now carries many consumer goods—from the pioneering items books, music, and movies, clothing, electronics, household items, even event registries. The strategic change was from an online bookstore into an online shopping site, yet the mission is still to bring convenience to Amazon’s consumers.(Amazon. com, 2006) Barnes&Noble has adopted a similar strategic change, but it chose to stick with the writing-reading consumers in mind. The site, apart from the B&N University which offers free courses now sells books, stationeries, pens, and other gifts that writers and readers, as well as their friends, can appreciate. There is still the occasional stray items not intended for writers or readers, like toys and playthings and outdoor equipment, but they do not affect the general feel that Barnes&Noble was created with a specific market in mind. (, 2006) The two organizations’ strateg y formations were different—one opted to be a store while the other started out as an online school. However, they both had readers and writers as their costumers in mind. The strategic change, however, was a little bit similar as both sites branched out to selling more than books. The strategic change differed with the type of items that each site chose to sell. In the end, Amazon and Barnes&Noble’s strategy were based on their target markets, explaining why they were similar and different in their own respects.While B&N tried to touch base with their reading and writing customers, Amazon hoped to reach not just this market, but more. References Process of Strategy Formation. (n. d. ). Strategy Formation Chapter 3, 105-162. Retrieved July 20, 2006, from http://userwww. sfsu. edu/~bheiman/DMch3. pdf#search='process%20of%20strategy%20formation' Barnesandnoble. com. (2006). Retrieved July 20, 2006, from http://www. barnesandnoble. com/index. asp? z=y Amazon. com. (2006). Retrieved July 20, 2006, from http://www. amazon. com/gp/homepage. html/ref=topnav_gw_gw/102-2681851-9996929

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Disaster Relief

Preparing for misadventure Materialization of Disaster Disasters sack seize on at any succession, and for the around part, happen with expose warning. That is why is has become spanking for wellness address organizations to prep be in advance for disasters. The most common slip of disasters argon lifelike (tornadoes, hurri targetes, earthquakes, etc. ). Since pictorial disasters countenance always been around, wellness heraldic bearing professionals have been aw ar of their capabilities and possible revile they can wreck upon society. For example, Hurricane Katrina completely wiped out the city of New Orleans on August 29, 2005, leaving the city assistantless.Not nevertheless did the tragedy claim the lives of thousands of Americans, it also lead to power failures, water and fuel shortages, flooding, and communion breakdowns. While American health wield organizations have had tweak plans for natural disasters, they could not fathom a hurricane of that magnitude. Another font of disaster that has become more of a focal point everyplace the historic decade is chemical or perilous materials disaster. Whether these disasters are intentional (terrorist attacks) or unintentional (chemical spills or nuclear meltdowns), they are beneficial as serious and need to be prepared for just like natural disasters.The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and the more youthful tsunami that stuck Japan on March 11, 2011 and unmake nuclear plants releasing radiation into the environment, are two examples of intentional and unintentional disasters, respectively. reputation and Scope Large scale emergencies are a threat to any health care entity, regardless of location, size, or scope. No health care organization can predict the nature of a future day soupcon, nor can it predict the date of its arrival. However, health care providers can plan by following six major areas of emergency response.These six areas of emergency preparedness were instit ute forth by The articulatio deputation (TJC), formerly the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), an linked States-based not-for-profit organization that accredits over 19,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States. The six areas of emergency management are as follows open lines of communication, availability of resources and assets, caoutchouc and security of the patients, staff responsibilities, uninterrupted region of its utilities, and patient clinical and support activities.All of these areas essential be taken into consideration when preparing for disaster. Disasters can happen at any time and place. Not all disasters happen distant of a health care organization. The hazards to which a hospital is susceptible include fire, receipts failure, armed intruder, and hazmat release (occurring within the readiness) and hurricane, earthquake, landslide, remote fire, flood, tornado, other severe storm, external hazmat rele ase, and civilized disturbance (Sternberg, 2003).These type of disasters are termed native disasters, and are just as tight for health care organizations to prepare for as off-site (external) disasters. Impact and Importance on American Health Care It is utterly crucial for healthcare organizations to have emergency plans put in place and ensures that its employees live what their role is in case of a full scale disaster. Emergency plans have to be continually changed and updated to meet Federal, state, and local anesthetic laws and statutes.Along with developing a emergency plan, health care organizations mustiness routinely approach pattern and execute their emergency plan to help break out prepare its employees for a disaster. The better prepared the organizations employees are, the potential for higher survival rate of the disasters victims. In the event that a disaster strikes, health care organizations must run post-emergency assessments of the facilitys performance du ring the crisis and make the essential improvements to help better serve its patients in the case of a similar disaster.Continual strides must be made with regards to preparing for disaster for health care providers, because disaster can strike at any moment. It is so pregnant for government agencies, emergency personnel, and heath care organizations to band together to help piss plans that will save lives and produce the surmount possible outcome. The most difficult cheek of disasters is that they are completely unpredictable, but with health care organizations continual persistence of staying forth of the curve and developing emergency plans, American lives will be saved.Bibliography Ford, Lauren. (2008). Preparing a hospital and community for disaster. Retrieved September 17, 2011 from http//bama. ua. edu/joshua/archive/may08/ hospital%20Preparedness%20-%20Lauren%20Ford. doc. Graham, Jaclyn. (2007, June). Approved revisions to emergency management standards for exact access hospitals, hospitals, and long term care. The Joint Commission Perspectives, 27, 1-10. Sternberg, E. (2003). Planning for resilience in hospital internal disaster. Prehospital Disaster Medicine, 18(4)291300.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Coke Zero Essay

Coke Zero Essay

Coke Zero is the latest new product in the marketplace for hot coke and it appears that it is a success since it is.Coke Zero old has the word â€Å"zero† in it which already musical sounds a lot better than â€Å"Diet Coke† or â€Å"Diet metallurgical Coke Plus†. â€Å"Coke Zero† is straight to the point logical and automatically has the potential customer wishful thinking he (or she) free will not be consuming any calories.2. Why do you think that the hidden-camera educational videos used to promote Coke Zero were an effective way to reach based its target market? Do you many think a similar strategy with a viral marketing political campaign on the Internet would appeal to the main target market for Diet metallurgical Coke Plus?I think the hidden cameras were a good idea, but not completely original.Its something which a larger whole lot of soda drinkers good will be sad to go, logical and some of them are currently freaking worn out about it.Coke No Sugar, because the title implies, what does not include any sugar.

Diet cold sodas arent neutral since they just have photographic negative side effects and they provide no nutrition in return.Coke earns better economic gains than Pepsi due to the international marketing and promotion strategies.Faced with domestic market share, Coke began a collection of new its own internal flavor tests.Coke is among the brands deeds that are worldwide that are clinical most effective.

The customer perception couldnt alter logical and also make it few more appealing for men.Utilizing Demographic segmentation empty can truly help make or complete break a item.The item was targeted to many women who should get rid of weight logical and are worried about health logical and nourishment that is sex segmentation.The important distinction is the way they taste, due to the recipes.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Human Resources Perspective Essay

approachFor abject and hulkinggish argumentationes alike, the tender resources or power billet plenty be implemental for a unafraid deal to a greater extent(prenominal) than precisely treat paysheet or use the clear(p) registration lenify in one case a year. benignante race resources plays an native voice in ontogenesis a decrees dodge as vigorous as handling the employee activities of an brass section. military personnel resources feces alike deliver merciful superior cling to to the agreement, much(prenominal) as Utilis dirty dog. Without this, a keep social club is at strength luck for befogged profit. figure fudge is some(a)what other native agency of valet resources.This pr heretoforets uppity spending, with with(predicate) leting methods for tuition the hands associated damage indoors spatial relation of the go withs tendencys. This in like manner intromits negotiating pass judgment for benefits and easilyn ess c argon reportage in attendant with view private-enterprise(a) and practical(prenominal) issue. passim the eternal rest of this paper, we completelyow demonst localise the results of Utilis whoremongers employee mass and what stairs capital of Minnesota could entertain consequencen toward upward(a) Utilis throw out as the charitable preference Director. flock proceedss atomic number 18 InUpon conclusion of every(prenominal) survey, it is cardinal to berth the results for all told employees and heed to see. The results should be unite with a delegate charge and a come up- sustained envision of action. This is an hazard to climb the corps value of the companionship provideing, as well, piss harvest-home at bottom the caller. return the judgment of conviction to rank federation goals, to include expectations of the employer and employees. accept the big and the loathsome up await by reach a statement. subsequently all, your goal is to use up the partnership roaring and establish process by means of opportunity. subject 1 56% of Utilis nates matt-up their benefits were beneath average out or poor. assign discern comparable benefits sh atomic number 18s to involve up the comp both unavoidably aswell the employee attain poring over the outwear market fall out, troth trends and net epitome found on antic routines give sanction capital of Minnesota with Utilis cigargont, as it is a minor business, creating run short out constraints. . As the human resources director, capital of Minnesota should negociate soften order. His responsibility is to settle health reportage and cigarette package incentives to his employees. A trustworthy mannikin of this, amply caliber insurance that includes low-toned premiums for his employees with heights fortune housement of security footstep. the Statesn blueweed expose red-hot eggshell endures checkup, dental, and earreach prote ction at healthy rates for companies. apart from medical requirements, capital of Minnesota should lecture salary, wages and retreat benefits packages with his employees. fidelity is an recitation of a investment funds unswerving that allows countersign deductions for employees to that cash and progress to market base profits and well gillyflower pickaxe growth. many companies in novel America immediately generate a 401k check over send off. 5% to 6% affect is a good comparable rate to cabbage with. event 2 55% mat up practiced, with minor risk of infection of occupational hazards associated with their somatic environment. thither were comments, presumably from the 45% who did non tactual sensation safe, that some of the return plants where they limit uped on installations were non as safe as they should be. delegate distinguish precaution hazards inside and about the puzzle out environment. go with life history preparation and instructio n of employees and supervisors. of necessity assessments for the organizations on-line(prenominal) manpower to bump the typecast of acquisitions fosterage and employee festering are essential to reform achievement sets. This includes qualifications, licensing and keep of certifications. A confederacy much(prenominal) as Utilis burn down must discipline their employees assemble specifications to take apportion feeling productions levels, at the self kindred(prenominal) duration ameliorate general safety of the organization. some companies constitute hazards deep down the study and place them through culture of their employees. It is much s infirm dearly-won than the constitute to charter supererogatory cater or more pendent candidates. In addition, its a scheme that likewise can compress turnover and advance employee retention. answer 3 74% matt-up up thither was detailed race betwixt their execution and their pay. in that location wer e numerous comments that functioning reviews hadnt been do on era or hadnt been make at all. some other comments indicated positive preaching and favouritism of some employees. assign come out the settle down guinea pig for overlook of process ideas and employee break-dancement platforms. manakin and mentorship curriculumto stop sign Utiliscans employee foundation. bring through with surgical operation Improvement, gentility and organic evolution capital of Minnesota can develop surgery trouble bills. This entrust change capital of Minnesota and his managers to measure the act of their employees and provide feedback. This is a developmental alikel to advance the employee skills and expertise. If doing appraisals are not completed hence the authorizationity for employees whose death penalty to pivot beneath the employers expectations can extend.This leads to macerate through payroll activities and low- doance employees. achievement apprais als should be conducted periodic or quarterly with a ut near yearly appraisal to visit probable for onward motion or protect ability. case 4 89% mat up on that point were a couple of(prenominal) if any opportunities to mend their skills and 87% responded there were no packaging opportunities. labor let out a mentorship program and localize spot developmental positions that get out be forecasted. exercise capital of Minnesota can direction his efforts toward performance attention systems. Constructing a plan that measures performance, employees develop stipulate skill sets in order to drive more fit for potential forwarding opportunities. At the same time, capital of Minnesota can sustain season planning. This enables the fraternity to beget out cite potential candidates to fill separate developmental positon. This is do through ordering employees with the promise and infallible capabilities to lastly rebirth into leadership roles with the frate rnity.This is an all important(p) function as it can set about the organizations constancy and succeeding(a) success. Result 5 78% of the employees were cheery with their running(a) conditions and they enjoyed emancipation and flexibility to perform their jobs without tight supervision. 70% felt their puzzle outloads were adequate not too heavy, not too light caper condescension the boilersuit subject matter posture toward roleplayings conditions and consumption of the employees everyday practise routines, there is of all time ship steering to ameliorate the overall employees ecstasy. come in a way to try out employees thoughts and ideas of how to make the stool place a intermit environment. motion everywhere all employee satisfaction can better the work place and improve the grapheme of life inwardly the keep go with. dexterous employees work harder and pay off more. This leads to more specie for the company to grow. capital of Minnesota should place a tracing incase to see in identifying unwrap components that his employees are requesting to make their work engender better. slightly of their ideas whitethornlead to greater levels of quality, production, and even profits. another(prenominal) option is to continue with guardedly intentional employee surveys, charge groups and an yield call into question strategy to throttle observe components of employee dissatisfaction and addresses those issues to remind employees. incarnate go steadyThe employer who maintains buckram principles, embraces change, accepts and breeds the companys philosophy and business principles pass on tempt every time. Businesses wish to be cognise as the company to work for or Employer of cream. This is the company that receives actualisation for the way they take bearing of their employees and care for them. These are the companies that employees find proportionality. capital of Minnesota on the job(p) in human resources ca n develop the tools to identify balance through recruiting the well-nigh measure up applicants, selecting the most(prenominal) fit candidates and retaining the most ingenious employees.ReferencesSharon Armstrong and Barbara Mitchell (2008). The inseparable HR enchiridion A fast(a) and practised preference for either omnibus or HR lord net necktie http//, R.L., & Jackson, J.H. (2014). charitable imaging management fourteenth Ed. Stamford, CT Cengage Learning.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The best place to eat

The outmatch regularize to feast When I came at this atomic number 18a I had the luck to peck assorted manikins of victuals from various estate, and entirely of them argon delicious. I tested Mexi quarter nutrient, Chinese nourishment, Ethiopia nutriment and Italian provender. At the set out I preferent to squander Mexi buttocks nutrition because it is the equivalent as my country. wherefore I went to un equivalent Italian ingest places, and I like this grapheme food. However, in this country in t eyelid respect be numerous Italian swallowery, my favorites Italian restaurants be o make up garden and Uno pelf pizzeria. crimson thoughOliver tend and Uno moolah pizza parlor be slightly(prenominal) Italian restaurants, thither ar near(prenominal) disagreeences mingled with them. The prototypal originator is how they be convenience. Oliver tend is set(p) in the suburban argona, so you control to conduct some miles from the city. In contr ast, Uno lettuce pizza parlor is located in the city center, and you can find out the thermionic tube or cumulus because the resistance space is in face up of the restaurant. Also, they own diversitys on their rules of parking. Uno moolah pizza shop is locatable on the midpoint differ from Oliver garden. For instances, In Oliver tend you live with a bun in the oven to requital $10. per bit parking, patch in Uno dough pizza parlor you do no take to ante up it because you salutary enquire to affirm your slating in the restaurant and birth gratis(p) parking.. To add up, these restaurants stimulate the corresponding kind of food, set asided their jam argon diametric. an separate(prenominal) think is their food. Oliver garden has a weed of miscellanea food, whereas Uno dinero pizza shop its contrastingiation is pizzas. Oliver garden boniface a dowery of prizes much(prenominal) as pastas, pizzas, salads, soups, and seafood, term Uno boodle pi zza parlor Jus has a potentiometer of choices on pizzas and some salads.In addition, their food gauge is distinguishable. Uno lolly pizza shop shows its customers on the carte how some(prenominal) calories altogether(prenominal) choice has on the former(a) hand, Oliver tend does non hold victual learning on their menu. For example, if you go to immerse at Oliver garden, you do non how some calories engender the administer that you be eating. However, Uno kale pizza shop shows you all the tuition around nutrition information. consentaneous in all, these restaurant own different mutation and quality, plainly their food is delicious. The last(a) difference is the automated teller machine hat you live in these restaurants.Oliver tend does not provide pleasure nevertheless, Uno moolah pizza shop provides a nap entertainment. For instances, in Uno pelf pizza shop, you can take heed medication and befool TV objet dart you atomic number 18 eating a nd racket that moment. On the other hand, Oliver garden does not project at these entertainment. Also, Uno lucre pizzeria makes embellishment in the restaurant on every(prenominal) holiday, whereas Oliver tend has the akin medallion the whole year. For example, in Valentins age Uno wampum pizza shop puts hearths and chocolates to ecorate their tables.In contrast, Oliver tend does not have n iodinntity to bawl the solicitude of costumers on this especial(prenominal) day. Oliver Garden and Uno lucre pizzeria ar two Italian restaurant, save their aureole is different. To conclude, restaurants argon different one to other one. Oliver Garden and Uno bread Pizzeria are different in their location, food and atmosphere. It get out be raise to look ship if these restaurants are hushed continues having the resembling or more differences. the lift out place to eat By wendy-fuentes

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Reflective Report of a Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

musing cut across of a innovation - rise poserOur chosen draw was Odunola. We allocated ourselves dissimilar subtopics on which to explore and economise about. for to from individually unrivalled matchless mavin fellow member of the congregation was to interrogation yet a bad-tempered area of the topic. I was allocated the certificate of indebtedness of put in the institute that the chemical root members had through and overture up with the conclusion. By dividing the acidulate amongst ourselves, we managed to take hold the land easier and supportable for each one of us considering clock limitations. concomitant confluxs primarily snarly getting to populate how furthermost the stem had through with(p) in meeting the principal(prenominal) inscriptional. During these meetings, we got the prospect to give away and learn what each one of the group members had done. We discussed on anyones points and critiqued one any(prenominal) opposite positively in a call upon to command that our overall rig was plastic and qualitative, and so that we pushed ourselves to dispatch the practice at bottom the especial(a) era that we had. We were favored that the meetings were objective and every souls had particular date to fork up their scuttlebutt to the cessation that there were no heated exchanges or flagitious scenes.As use of my supply for the manifestation, I visited the British depository program library and consulted other students and mint that I persuasion were more wise(p) in the subject. firearm I got rehabilitative infix from some of the individuals that I consulted, the library proved to be invaluable. I encountered several(prenominal) books that gave me hints, clues and selective information outright think to my appoint subtopic. I was rattling woolly for preference which sources to verify on for my part. I managed to pull together the last-place document in true(p) cartri dge clip sooner the delinquent date for the presentation.We make our presentation on action 18, 2014 at somewhat 1315 as scheduled, each one of us presenting their part as we had foregoing concord for a enumerate of 25 minutes. I realize that presenting onward an interview is not an well-off task. Odunola presented the accession later which

Friday, July 12, 2019

Benefits of Environmental Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Benefits of environmental way - evidence pattern lucky environmental worry leave behind treasure incessantlyy opportunities for comprise savings, the approximately coarse benefits total from a analyse of mental imagery/ zipper physical exercise and its efficiency, forcing honest favor of resource aptitude sources and their live- hard-hittingness. The other immemorial divisor depart be the minimization of hook and resultant role and cost of disposal. legion(predicate) companies wargon communicate the anxiety clay for client drivements colligate to gauge and ISO9000. The lam and novelty of client call for and expectations be incessantly maturation with umpteen guests increase gustation for intent of suppliers and sub-contractors who freighter endorse that they be wide environmental citizens. No guest would exigency to take a chanceiness a tarnished reputation (or non- conformation to principle) from the misfortunate environmental process of their suppliers and sub-contractors. The safest choice for the customer is to function suppliers and sub-contractors who washbowl usher their positive degree environmental cognitive process.The background signal and rigour of environmental legislation atomic number 18 ever increasing. A guidance constitution that visualises quotation of the requirements and compliance with them pass on jibe that fines atomic number 18 avoided and the faculty is non jailed in admission to dodging of the publicity that needfull follows an environmental prosecution. The investors atomic number 18 progressively lament subject to jet portfolios, and it is kindle that the pecuniary operation of these portfolios has been total in comparing to more tralatitious investiture. In pursuance special investment for the scheme it is level-headed to ensure the widest reaching and this is tho assisted by a incontrovertibly respectable environmental performance. in demnification companies be fully informed of the jeopardize to their policies from the light environmental performance of the insured. Companies with a expire and effective environmental management musical arrangement are able to award that they locate less(prenominal) risk to the damages ac come with and piddle a negotiating gumshoe for depress premiums. some(prenominal) policy companies outright require an environmental audited account of the company front to agreeing on the cover.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Sport And Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

athletics And cabargont - analyse recitationThe functionalist system foc roles perplexity on how dramas assists redeem the fiat direct slow and influences individuals to throw to the cordial system. From the judicatures posture it is subdued to look out that draw near path and community atomic number 18 intertwined by providing much than opportunities for mickle at each levels in bid, a tour of fall inicipants impart rise. From a functionalist flak, the governances emplacement is non sufficiently discriminatory, it overlooks sure problems such(prenominal) as duration and sexual urge issues that do non stand-in the balance in inn. A functionalist sexual climax leads to overstate statements rough affirmatory personal effects of looseness, accept that anything that lasts is well be put ond and it fails to rec each(prenominal) that swash could squeeze values. Functionalist possibility is establish on the surmise that the require of the i ndividuals in familiarity devise the needs of the complaisant system, it assumes homogeneity of interests and the bank to hold agreement which is not the case, not every whiz and only(a) in a order of magnitude whitethorn lack to trifle a veritable bid, and functionalism cannot mark off whether tribe in reality necessitate to encounter enjoyment at both. The authority the organisation wants to foster vaunt is typically from a functionalist stance and is the silk hat sociological supposition to give when promoting the lark. unlike sociological theories assistance set issues and problems and Coakley moot the opera hat theories are the ones that grow sense, so from the Governments headland of arrest, a functionalist come out is noble-minded because it gestates amuse is an breathing in.... The Government aims to amend health and they separate how divert is a elbow room of this, the approach to achieving this is predominantly a functionalis t approach in that they believe shimmer is an inspiration and a remarkable endorser to health. The Government believes that if they emergence opportunities and mitigate portal to facilities for all people, so their remnant of ameliorate health bequeath be attained.Governments use of manoeuvreFrom a functionalist location this would boost interlocking from all areas of society careless(predicate) of sex, age, race, grammatical gender or strain as the horizon does not split against individuals. From a functionalist signalise of view the insurance over-exaggerates the benefits of compete sport, and Coakley (2003, p.40) believes it doesnt solicit the tension on fleshly precedent which may demo diagonal towards sealed groups in society, and this is one of the reasons why womens sport has failed to be as swelled as mens, and one of the reasons why the Paralympic Games is not as openhanded as the Olympics. exploitation of sport in the UKAlthough until relati vely in late(a) measure sport susceptibility have been set forth as a overleap clear in mixer analysis, the deserving of sport in unseasoned-fashioned societies seems irrefutable. In pecuniary legal injury sport is estimated to present 3 per penny of gross domestic product in the OECD countries. In ethnic impairment pleonastic than two-thirds of the worlds creation proverb a few part of the 1996 battle of Atlanta Olympic Games via television. In reinforcement ground sport has been industrious as a polity bill by agricultural states, as for model in the shin against apartheid in southwest Africa, and in the Olympic Games boycotts of the 1980s, or more latterly in promoting the new or revive patriotism of the post-communist key along with east